Monday, January 31, 2011

One Thousand Gifts - #92-102

They have all known each other... for quite some time now.  I am older than them too.  The gap that lies between us seems overwhelming.  I fail miserably to make friends.

Those were my thoughts two weeks ago.  And yesterday... I could almost feel tears coming to my eyes as I had to say good-bye to them.  Is it not absolutely amazing to you how a few mere days can link hearts together so strongly?  I almost wish I had more time to get to know them...

I am grateful today for:
- the wonderful girls in Group 417 of Minsk State Linguistic Univeristy
- and all the help you've given me
- and all the laughter we shared
- and all the homework we shared (literally)
- and for our inbox
- and for our incredible four always ending up in the cafeteria together
- and for making me feel part of your group
- and for Nastya having sushi with me
- and also helping me with methods of teaching
- and for the favor I had during my exams
- and for the great professors

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