Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stolen Prayers

I often get distracted when I pray. As a full-time children minister I have mastered many spiritual disciplines... but prayer is still difficult for me. Maybe I never learned how to pray growing up in a non-Christian household. Maybe I've been trying to hide my prayer life for so long that I am forgetting what it's like to spend a long time in an intimate conversation with my Savior.

My prayers have always been quick, almost stolen breaths.

I look up in the shower and talk to Him about my day.

I exhale as I go into my office with a quick request for help.

I steal a breath mid-conversation to ask Him for wisdom.

But I want more. I want to learn to wait patiently until He speaks. I want to go past my list of requests into a deep communion. I want my heart to connect with His.

I read this honest blog post on prayer - and I wanted to share it with you. It has some good tips on how to fight distraction during prayer time.

And if you have found something else that works for you - hop over to comments and let's talk.

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