Thursday, December 29, 2005

Camp Pictures Finally

Ok for those of you who are on the edge of your seat to see the camp pictures Ive been promising for 4 months, Here you go.

This is my cabin from the first week of Camp.

Here we are Lined up in front of the chapel. We would do this before every activity.

The Slip in slide is fun.

The kids caught some fish and so did I.

After Losing a game I had to eat a live Gold Fish


I Hope you enjoyed these pics. I will post some more pics of this year very soon.

Christmas Is Over Already and 2006 Is Coming Our Way

Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I was able to spend it in AZ with my family. First Christmas in three years all three Sweeney boys were home for Christmas.

Speaking of which we are having an open house at the Sweeney Home From 7-9 on Friday 30 Dec. If you or anyone you know would like to come let us know.

Well Sidewalk Sunday School is done for the year. We had a great time handing out Christmas presents to all of the children and of course preaching the Gospel to them. We also had an opportunity to minister in the schools last week. However we had to present a "Religious free" program. Well we did our best. We also handed out Christmas stockings to the kids at these assemblies. These stockings are filled by Christian groups all over the country so some of them contain religious saying like Jesus is the Reason. So we had to make sure we didn't give any of these out. It was a pain. Anyway its great PR for the ministry and we still teach a positive Christ centered lesson even if we can't "Preach".

Anyway Christmas was Great.
Celebrating the Birth of the King

Friday, December 9, 2005

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's Christmas time in the City. We had our first snow of the winter this weekend and more is on the way tonight. This week we are giving Christmas Stockings to every child that comes to Sunday School. This works out to be a total of about thirty thousand stockings. I wrote out the number because I didn't want you to think I typed an extra zero. Well anyway Sidewalk Sunday school when its 30 degrees outside with wind is something I've never had to do before, but seeing all those kids with the stockings is worth it. These stockings are really cool. Most of them are hand sown and filled by churches and individuals all around the country. This makes every child's stocking unique. I will try to post some stocking pictures soon. If you want to make and fill stockings for next year let me know and I'll get you the info. For those of you who are wondering, I will be back in AZ on the 24 of Dec and returning to NY Jan 4. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and hope to do a presentation in our church to let everyone know what's going on at the biggest Sunday School in the country.

Until then
Serving the Lord Enthusiastically

Monday, November 28, 2005


Well I survived my first Thanksgiving in NY. I decided to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I couldn't bear the thought of missing the most famous parade in the world when it was going on less than thirty minutes away. So I bundled up at five thirty in the morning to meet someone who was going to the parade. But I never saw her so I waited untill someone else I knew was going and met her outside her apartment. She was curious as to why I was standing outside her door at six o'clock in the morning. I told her that I was waitring for someone to go to the parade with, so I went with her and her friend. We had a great time. We were in a good group of people. There was one Grandma with her two grandsons from South Carolina who was apparently quite wealthy. She said she thought The Rainbow room would be a good place to have Thanksgiving, and they went to Tavern on The Green the night before. These are two of the most expensive restaurants in NYC. Her grandkids were standing at the front of the crowd she was at the back and we were somewhere in the middle. We were passing messages up to her Grandsons like put your scarf over you ears. When the Charlie Brown Balloon went by a lady behind me had no idea what the football was for. People are funny. But I did see the Beach Boys, Leanne Rhymes, Jeff Corwin, and a whole bunch of other people that where supposed to be famous but I had no idea who they where. But it was fun. We are gearing up for the Christmas Season. We have the Christmas coloring contest this week, Christmas Stockings next week and Christmas presents the week after that. I am excited to get into the Christmas spirit.

Pressing on,

Monday, October 31, 2005

Pumpkins Are Heavy

I came to the startling conclusion this week that pumpkins are heavy. Our promotion this week was Hallelujah candy which was a paper bag filled with various types of candy. But we also had about forty pumpkins to give out at each of our Sunday School sites. Bagging and transporting them was hard. It made me wonder how they gave out a pumpkin to every kid until this year. We got the pumpkins from a farmer in Iowa who grew them just for us. But it was fun. My site had about 40 kids which is the most I have had all semester so I just have to keep looking for more ways to attract more kids.

On Tuesday it was raining really hard so we did door to door Sunday School. We took a bag of our Hallelujah candy and went through the roster of kids who have attended Sidewalk in the past and gave them their own private Sunday School sessions. It was a lot of fun.

One apartment we went to had a grandmother and her 4 and 6 year old grand kids. She was upset because they were moving out of state, so we got a chance to pray with her. Another strange thing in the buildings we were in was that the outside door of the elevators didn't slide open with the elevator door but swung out. It was weird. Has anyone else seen elevator doors like this?

Speaking of raining, it has also gotten quite cold this week, with highs in the fifties. I am just wondering what this desert dawg is going to do when it is 25 degrees. Brrrrrrr

Well thats it for now

Serving Him In the Rain

Monday, October 10, 2005

Back In The Swing Of Things

Well, we have completed the first two weeks of Sidewalk Sunday School. It has been great. Our team is meshing well, and we couldn't have asked for better interns. They are Kyle from Canada, Matthias from Germany, and Nicole from Switzerland. They all jump in and help wherever needed and are doing great with the teaching.

The first week we had a group from Seattle go out with us all week. The leader of the group has been a close partner with the China Town division for a few years. He treated us all to a nice Malaysian dinner Saturday night. It was really great.

On Thursday I went and visited all my Sunday school kids, like I do every Thursday. I knocked on the door of a young teenager and his older brother answered. He said he would go get him. The young man came to the door and asked me to take him off the list. He said he was a little to old for "Yogi Bear". I told him he was never too old for God and that he should find a good church or youth group and I invited him to our youth program. I wanted him to know he could never outgrow God even if Sunday School was no longer interesting. I also spoke to another young man who wants to be a worker. I told him he needed to come every week, and he showed up on Friday. I am excited to see if he continues to be faithful. The funniest thing I saw this week on visitation was a 4 or 5 year old boy who came to the door completely naked. He was as unashamed as Adam and Eve before the fall. He excitedly showed me his game boy. The most interesting thing about this was that his mom was not the least bit fazed or embarrassed about his nudity. It is a different world here.

On Saturday it rained all day. So the parks where we usually do Sunday School on Saturday were completely empty. So we set up canopies next to where the kids get out of Saturday School, and did short Sunday School lessons. One of the spots we picked happened to be right in front of a store front Buddhist Temple. Where else can you do Sidewalk Sunday School? In front of a Buddhist temple. China Town Rocks!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I am doing well and am looking forward to what God has planned for the rest of the semester.

Going Forward

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Looks Like I Am A New Yorker Now

Hi everybody. I haven't updated in quite some time and for now don't expect frequent updates because I do not have easy access to a computer. But I hope to get one soon and updates will be more frequent.

Well anyway, I am back in NY. I have been here for about a month now. I did summer camps in August which are always a blast. I will post more about camp and some pictures soon.

(Editor's note: a Sidewalk Sunday School division is basically a Sidewalk Sunday School team that consists of a truck, 3-5 staf members, and 3-4 interns).

We are now getting ready to start Sidewalk Sunday school which will begin in two weeks. I will be in Division 16. That is the division in Lower Manhattan which includes a couple of sites in China Town. It truly is a unique division. Some of our flyers are even printed in both Chinese and English. The divisional leader for this division left last semester so we have a new divisional leader to this division. Her name is Simone and she has been at Metro for five years and has been a divisional leader in the Bronx for most of that time. But they only want her in Div 16 for 1 semester in which time I will be a divisional leader in training with the intention of turning the divisional leader position over to me in the spring. I am really excited about the new challenges and opportunities this will bring so please be praying for me as I embark on new adventures.

Serving HIM alone Bryan

Monday, June 27, 2005


Well, my internship at Metro Ministries is officially over. I am coming home to AZ tomorrow.

Man, the last couple of weeks have been great. We had a lot of people come out to Sidewalk Sunday School. I had over 200 people on my site all three of the last three weeks. My second site has been having 60-75 kids. At the beginning of the semester we only had about 15 kids.

God is so Good. I have been offered an invitation to join the staff of Metro. I will be returning to NY in August for the summer camps.

Well, I will see you all in Phoenix.

Continuing the race

Friday, June 3, 2005


Here are some more pictures like I promised

Here I am teaching an object lesson about being led by God

Here I am teaching the four reasoms we come to Sunday School. I think I got my helpers attention.

Here is another member of our team, Jen, teaching the story with my worker, Charlie.

Here we are at my second site singing songs.

This is me at visitation at John Adams Houses.

This is Charlie doing visitation.

This is Charlie and his brother one of his sisters and a cousin.

My protege.

Good Night for now.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Crazy Week

This has been the craziest week yet here at Metro.

Our Intern training is coming to an end so all our major assignments were turned in today so that they have time to grade them and return them to us in the next three and a half weeks. The main project was what they called a ministry portfolio. This included a scrapbook with pictures of the ministry, a written schedule for a typical week, part of a Sunday School lesson and five interviews with staff members. SO I was up late the last two nights finishing everything. ALso we had a skills test this week. We have to teach half of a Sunday school lesson to the instructors for a grade. it is also my week to help clean up all the dinner mess and set things up for breakfast. So it has been a very busy couple of days.

Yesterday was a bad day for the transportation department at Metro. One of the sidewalk Sunday School trucks had an electrical fire and completely burnt up. It is absolutely unusable. The truck that my division uses for Sunday school also had major damage. The stage wasn't secured and it fell out while My divisional leader was driving to our second SUnday School site. It caused fender damage to two cars and the truck my cost more to repair than it would to buy a new truck. So we are without a truck for the rest of the semester, and have to use a van. Today I basically had the morning off because I had all my projects done, but ended up spending the morning hauling stuff from our truck to the office and organizing it so we can use it in the truck.

Plus while we were driving home from the bronx today the bridge we use to get from the Bronx to Brooklyn was at a stand still. so we had to take a less direct route and ended up getting to church 45 minutes late. And in all the chaos that happened this week I forgot that it was one of the two wednesdays this semester that I was supposed to be in kids church. But not only did I forget but so did four of the other five people that were supposed to be there, so we got called in to the intern directors apartment and basically got our butts chewed.

Anyway this week was rough but last week wasn't so bad. It rained alot on wednesday so we set up our canopies and did several short Sunday school sessions. We even took a few kids into the truck for the lesson because it was raining so hard. THis was actually really cool. We sat the kids on our steps inside the truck. there were about six or seven kids. Then we taught the lesson. One of our props was a picture we drew of a truck about to run over a baby. ANd we said would you give your life to save this baby, Jesus gave his life to save you. A five year old girl noticed that there was not a driver in the truck we drew. When I asked if this truck were about to run over this baby what would you do, she said the trucks not moving there isn't a driver. Its amazing what some kids will notice.

It rained all week except Friday, so my site was the largest in our division last week we had about 230 kids total. God is so good. TO give you an idea of what I am doing here I am including a copy of my schedule in a typical weekTUESDAY
7:30 Intern Praise and
8:00 Intern Class
9:00 Prepare truck for
the week
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Off to Patterson
houses for Sidewalk
6:30 Evening off

8:30 Prayer meeting
9:45 Intern class
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Off to Saint Mary’s
Park for Sidewalk
7:00 Church

8:00 Intern class
9:00 Prepare lesson for
the following week
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Off to John Adam’s
houses for visitation
6:30 Virus Youth Church

8:30 Staff Meeting with
Pastor Bill Wilson
11:00 Set up for Indoor
Sunday School
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Off to John Adams
Houses for Sidewalk
7:00 Rehearsal for Indoor Sunday School

8:30 Morning rally
945 First session
1:00 Second session
4:15 Third session

9:30 First Service
12:30 Second Service
3:30 Ride to The Bronx
for Church Set up
6:00 Bronx Service

7:30 Intern Praise and
8:00 Intern Class
9:00 Prepare truck for
the week
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Off to Patterson
houses for Sidewalk
6:30 Evening off

8:30 Prayer meeting
9:45 Intern class
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Off to Saint Mary’s
Park for Sidewalk
7:00 Church

8:00 Intern class
9:00 Prepare lesson for
the following week
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Off to John Adam’s
houses for visitation
6:30 Virus Youth Church

8:30 Staff Meeting with
Pastor Bill Wilson
11:00 Set up for Indoor
Sunday School
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Off to John Adams
Houses for Sidewalk
7:00 Rehearsal for Indoor Sunday School

8:30 Morning rally
945 First session
1:00 Second session
4:15 Third session

9:30 First Service
12:30 Second Service
3:30 Ride to The Bronx
for Church Set up
6:00 Bronx Service


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Yes, I Am Still Alive

Hi everybody I know I have not updated for a week and a half and I promised you pictures so here is my remedy for both problems.

Things are going great here in NY. Nothing unusually spectacular happened this week so I will get a chance to update you on the regularly spectacular things I have been doing.

I have gotten a chance to lead worship a few times here. I have led in the Bronx youth service on Sunday for the past three weeks, and I led the Intern praise and worship session on Tuesday. My guitar skills are not up to the point where I can lead with my Guitar but I am doing pretty well with guitar accompaniment. On the same lines I was able to sing on stage in the middweek service at metro. This is the single largest service at metro because Saturday and Sunday services are split. But the two guys that usually sing on Wednesday were gone unexpectedly last week so the two girls that lead asked if I would join them about five minutes before praise and worship. I had sang on that stage in a group of eight or more but it was quite differant with only three of us and me being thw only guy. But it was Great.

John Adams is going great. We had over 230 between my two sites last week. I also signed up 5 kids for our Won by One child sponsorship program. you can read more about the program at .

ANd now the moment we have all been waiting for; my pictures.

This is me on the bus on saturday. This is the CRAZY BUS

These are our bus workers; Porcia, Takira, and Kadeem.

On of our kids eagerly getting of the bus for Sunday School.

I have crossing guard duty for one of the saturday Sunday School sessions.

It is my job to keep the we ones safe.

We went to Madison Square Garden for the Circus.

Here we are clowning around.

This is me with Niasia, my mom's Won-by-One Sponsored Child.

These are the only chicks that will pay me any attention.

And finnally a few pictures I took when Jeremiah and I took Sierra, Sarah, and Michele to TheLion King at Gammage Auditorium before I left Az.

I will post more pictures in the next couple of weeks. I have a scrapbook project that is required so I have taken and collected close to 100 pictures. I will never post all of them but i will post the best and most of you will porbably see the scrap book when I am back in Az.

Goodnight for now.


Sunday, May 8, 2005

Wow, What A Week

We had an extra busy week here at Metro Ministries.

On Tuesday we went to Paterson Houses. If you remember this is where we got a ticket last week from the Parks Department police. Well, since we couldn't take the truck into the park we decided to have Sunday School on the sidewalk. A priest from the Catholic church across the street didn't want us there. He told our divisional leader that it was his sidewalk and that we had to leave. We told him we wouldn't leave, so he called the police. So the NYPD came and totally backed us up. They told the priest that they didn't understand why he was so upset. They said that it was just a different way to share the gospel. They even offered to hold a parking spot for us in future weeks.

It was Mother's Day week here as well. This is among the busiest weeks of the year. On monday there was a Mother-Daughter banquet for the ladies that come to church. I was able to help out with the food.

On Thursday morning they had a staff ladies breakfast. Since the ladies were having a breakfast the guys had a bring your own breakfast meeting, in order to take advantage of the guest speaker, Helen Trowbridge. It was fun. Considering the ratio of women to men in Sidewalk Sunday school is about two to one, it was a very different atmosphere without the ladies.

On Thursday evening we had Mom's Night Out. This is an opportunity to invite women who have never been to church to a dinner at the church. There were about three hundred ladies there. But with 300 ladies comes about 400 children. So I helped out in the preschool area. We had over seventy 3-6 year-olds in one room. But it was fun, crazy, but fun.

My site on Friday finally came back up after a week of rain and spring break. We had about 230 between the two sites. God is so good. I am going to post more pics this week so be looking.

Pressing on toward the goal,

Monday, May 2, 2005

Half Way Mark

It is hard to believe, but I am half way through my internship at Metro. We are having a special breakfast on Wednesday to commemorate this event. So this week was not short of surprises as usual.

On Tuesday we were asked by a parks representative to leave a basketball court we were planing on having sidewalk Sunday School on. She asked to see our permit and said, "Can't you see right here it says 'No vehicles'" So we packed the truck up. While we were packing up, a couple of girls were yelling at her saying things like "You get out of here" "Where's your permit." Part of me was like "Go girls Go" but the responsible adult part of me told them to stop, and that they were being disrespectful. So we parked away from the basketball court in a sort of drive way. The park police came and gave us a ticket. They said 500 feet from the park is still the park. Frustrating. So, we have to find a new location on Tuesdays, or do Sidewalk without the truck.

Anyway, on Friday we had a guest speaker at our weekly staff meeting. His name is Ray Bevin, and he is from Wales. He also used to be in a rock band. Kind of funny. He sang "Have I told You Lately that I Love You." Not only did he sing great but he was also very funny.

We also had a guest speaker for the kids on Saturday. His name is Kurt Zastrow. He is a very skilled ventriloquist. He had the kids laughing and laughing. It was great.

Well I'm ready for another great week.

Going Strong In Him,

Monday, April 25, 2005

Interesting Week

Well it was a different week at Metro Ministries. One of Pastor Bill girls died. She had AIDS since she was born and was 14 when she died. We were all invited to attend the funeral, so I went. It is times like this that remind me why we do what we do. Sunday School is not just fun and games. It is life and death. Pastor Bill flew in Friday morning for the funeral and flew back out that afternoon. It was not the first funeral he has had to do for a child but you could tell it still affects him.

Friday was rainy so we did not have as many people as we did last week, but we still has 155 people. That is pretty good for a rain day.

Saturday we had a good bus ride. The kids were quiter than I have seen them this year.

Well I am ready for another fun filled week.

Friday, April 22, 2005

God Is Good

Wow. It is before seven in the morning. I got up really early this morning to spend a couple of hours with the Lord. This is the first time He has really woke me up like that before, or at least its the first time I was willing to drag myself out of bed for it. Man, it's amazing what God can do in your heart if you let Him.

Basking in His Presence

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mills Lane Ain't Got Nothing On Me

(Mills Lane is a boxing referee)

Had a fight outside my bus yesterday. Two 11-12 year old girls were arguing about something, so I wouldn't let them on the bus. Then one of their brothers bothered the other girl so she slapped him. Then his sister jumped on her and it took three of us to break it up and to pry her fingers from the other girls hair. Then on the bus their little brothers started fighting, to protect their sisters' honor or something like that. This kind of behavior boggles me. But when talking to the parents its no wonder why they think fighting is the only way to solve problems. Our bus captain told one of the moms about what had happened. She told her daughter that it was "all right" and they would go to her school and she could beat her up. We try to do the best we can for these kids but when they have God's truth for 1 or 2 hours a week and garbage the rest of the time it's difficult to see the truth.

But I had a good morning today. I helped in preschool kids church. On Sunday kids can only come to church if their parents come, so there are not the huge numbers of kids like we see on Saturday. We had about 10 four, five, and six year olds. I spent most of the time buddied up with Marcus. This kid is energy with legs. It was difficult to get him to do anything unless you were patient and talked to him directly. So he sat with me through the whole class. But he did very well during praise and worship. Except he broke a maraca because he was tapping them together. And he did start making up his own words to "Hear I am to Worship," But over all he did well.

Having a blast with the Lord

Saturday, April 16, 2005

260 WOW

We had so many kids at my site today. We had over 190 kids at John Adams houses and about 30 kids at Cauldwell houses. Plus a total of 40 parents at both sites, for a grand total of 260. God is so good. Each week we try to have a theme to attract more kids. This week was super hero week. We encouraged the kids to dress up like super heros and raffled off The Incredibles DVD. I believe that this was a huge draw. But it was really hard to control nearly 200 hundred kids on a sidewalk. I know its called Sidewalk Sunday School, but in reality it is usually held in a park or school basketball court. So please pray for favor for a new location. There is a park nearby and a school that will work, but we need permision for both. Anyway I am getting tired and it is time for bed. I just was so excited about what God is doing at John Adams that I just had to share it with you all.

Excited that the Lord is my Light

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Driving Adventures

I drove today for the first time in NYC. It went just fine. Although, I did see things we don't usually see in AZ. Delivery trucks double parked, pot hols galore, and TOll Booths. Well, later Bryan

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Let's Try It Again

I'm going to try to post these pictures again.

This is me 25 feet up in the air.

Everybody in the dinig hall at the ropes course.

These are all the guys of the internship at a birthday party.

I posted this earlier but had to take it off because the website that was hosting it changed the name of the picture. This is us Blitzin the first weekend we were here. Blitzing is when you take a whole bunch of flyers and pass them out to everybody.

This is at a games workshop. I'm the one on the left.

Here a re a couple of pics of kids in preschool.

Aren't they PRECIOUS!!

Anyway, if you were hoping for a picture of me eating a fish, I was told it did not turn out. But I'll try to find another one.

Goodbye for now


Monday, April 11, 2005

Something's Fishy

Yesterday I did something I had never done before. I swallowed a live goldfish. I was in the preschool sunday school and they were playing a game which involved grabbing goldfish with your hand and putting them in a jar. They decided that here should be a volunteer from each side to swallow their teams goldfish if their team lost. Unfortunately I was volunteered and my team lost. But, he didn't grab any goldfish, so they only made me eat one. Down the hatch. Someone said they got a good picture of it. I will post it as soon as he uploads his pictures. That will probably be tomorrow. SO other then my free seafood dinner I had a good week. I had about the same number of kids at my sidewalk site as I had last week, 165. It went really well. On Saturday I had a little lesson on submitting to authority. The staff member who is in charge of one of the buses I ride on Saturday was out of town. This wouldn't have been too much of a problem except that he didn't line up a replacement driver. So at the time we were supposed to go get our kids we didn't have anyone to drive the bus. So the director of transportation said since arrangements weren't properly made we wouldn't be able to pick up the route. This means that 60 kids waiting to be picked up would not get a ride to Sunday School. This really bothered me. But his concern was that he didn't want interns on a route if they couldn't control the kids and didn't know the route. Also, he doesn't have also of direct contact with interns so he has to assume that we all know nothing because he doesn't know us. He then came and talked to me and explained that one time they sent out an intern and they ended up in New Jersey. So he asked me if I thought I could handle the route. I explained that there were actually two interns on the bus and that we had directions for the route. He then asked again if we could handle the route, and I told him yes. He allowed us to take the route with another staff member driving. Because of this we left almost 40 minutes late, so we were told to pick up as many kids as we could and head back to the church at 4:00pm. We managed to pick up 45 kids and get back to the church kind of on time. We were the second to the last bus to come in. So this taught me patience and submission. I half considered jumping in a bus and driving the route myself, but of course that would have been criminal so I had to accept what the person in authority decided even if I didn't necessarily agree with it. That is not easy. I also realized how long somethings take to happen in a large busy organization. We told the transportation department at noon that we didn't have a bus driver, at 2:45pm we were supposed to leave, and at 3:25 it was finally resolved. Anyway it was a good learning experience.

Doing My Best to please HIM,

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

Wow, it's been over a week since I've updated. I have so much to write, I don't know if I want to stay up and do it. But a stitch in time saves nine.

Thursday I did visitation at John Adams Houses. I was able to throw a football with a couple of 11 and 12 year old boys. They were actually impressed by the way I throw the ball. If you know me you know that nobody is usually impressed with my performance in sports related activities. This made me wonder if an adult male has ever taken the time to throw a football with them. It's amazing to me how easy it is for people to lack certain types of relationships in a city that is so large. This is why visitation is so important. it shows them that someone cares in a world where no one does.

On Friday we had 50 more kids this week than we had last week. I am so excited to see what God is going to do in John Adams Houses.

On Monday we went to a high ropes course in Connecticut. They have a thirty foot high "leap of faith" and a twenty-five foot high "Catwalk". The leap is basically a free jump with a rope and harness. The catwalk was a log suspended in the air. I was able to do both but the hard part was climbing up to them. We also had a low ropes course with trust fall, spider web,etc...

Tuesday was the official kickoff for the youth meetings this semester. There were about 400 teenagers in the auditorium. Pastor Bill Wilson was the guest speaker. I was amazed how much authority he commanded over these kids. He spoke about pottery. He illustrated the steps to make a pot.

1. Start with raw material
2. Mold it
3. Smooth the edges
4. GO through the fire

He talked about how if we want to become what God wants us to become we must be willing to let God change us, and we must survive trials. He also talked about the potter's field. It is basically a graveyard for pots that didn't make it. Either they were unwilling to be molded or they cracked in the fire. We are like clay in the potter's hand. We must be willing to be molded. And we must be withstand the fires in our life. Anyway it was powerful to see so many urban teens together in one place hearing the word of God.

Growing in Him

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Easter Happenings

So I survived the first week of Sidewalk Sunday School. On Friday we had 100 kids at my site. Which is really good considering it was the first week of the semester, and we come on a different day and time than last semester. It was also cold, and there was no school. So 100 wasn't bad at all considering. We also had several parents who came, and you never know who was listening from their apartments.

On Saturday we showed segments of The Passion in Indoor Sunday School. The kids were visibly touched by it. We even asked kids to come up for prayer, which doesn't usually happen when you have 1000 kids in a small area. I was in Big Class Two, also known as the overflow class. This class is used when they run out of room downstairs. So first session we had about 200 kids, second session we had about 60 kids and third session we didn't have a class, because it wasn't needed. Anyway, Saturday went really well.

On Sunday I was able to give Easter gifts to Ali and Niasia. These are the kids my mom and I sponsor through Metro's Won by One child sponsorship program. It went very well. I also helped with the Easter egg hunt at the Brooklyn Church. The had hundreds of eggs spread across the gym floor. They also had a live rabbit and live chicks for the kids to pet. It was a lot of fun. Many of the kids had never seen live farm animals before.

On Monday I was given a chance to go to the circus. A friend of one of the staff member's bought us all tickets. It was really pretty cool. Madison Square Garden is considered one of the premier spots to see The Ringley Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. About twenty of us went, it was fun.

Going Forward with Christ

Friday, March 25, 2005

Sidewalk Is Better In The Snow

Well I experienced something yesterday that would never happen in Chandler. We did Sidewalk Sunday School in the SNOW!!!! We did about 5 very short sessions. We waited until we got five or ten kids then told a quick object lesson and quick salvation prayer. It was cold but fun. Sidewalk kicked off on Tuesday. We had one hundred and sixty kids. My site is tomorrow. I am very excited to see how many kids show up.

Keep going and going and going

Monday, March 21, 2005

Mailing Adventures

Yes, even mailing a package in Bushwick is a little different than in AZ. Robberies are common in this area so the want to protect the mail clerks. In order to prevent someone from getting to a clerk with a weapon the have windows between the clerks and the customers, much like at a movie theater or court house. But people have to mail large packages too, So the have this chamber that you place you packages in. If the clerks side of the chamber is open you can't open your's. But when it's closed and your's is open you can't reach through and open the other side. This is done by a bar that prevents the other door from sliding up while on is open. Anyway, always something new in Brooklyn.

Trying to figure it out, Bryan

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Bus Adventures

Today I rode the buses for Saturday Sunday School. The contrast between the two buses I rode was amazing. In the morning I rode with a volunteer co-captain who only had about twenty-five kids on her bus. The bus I rode on the third session was much different. We were in East New York, which is one of the neighborhoods that has historically had difficult children. We had 68 kids on the bus. Carlos was the bus captain and our driver. I was the only other adult on the bus so it was basically me and a couple of well meaning but poorly qualified teenage volunteers trying to control the bus. Unfortunately the teenagers caused more problems than they solved. But everyone made it home safe and I survived, maybe it will be better next week. I am assigned to teach in the classroom known as Big Class 2. This class is used as an overflow for the 7 to 12 year old class. This week, however, we did not have enough kids to use the overflow so I hung out in Big Class 1, which is the main class where Pastor Bill leads he's here. This week they talked about not getting discouraged. It was a good lesson, and seemed to get the kids' attention.

Well thats all for now.
Not getting discouraged, not quiting

Saturday, March 19, 2005

John Adams Houses

I went on visitation for the first time today. What a different culture these kids live in. John Adams Houses are six 21 story buildings siting on less then 10 acres, housing over 2,300 people. While there I saw a stairwell with soot all over it from a fire two weeks ago, a boy trying to get his dog out side to pee (He didn't make it), another girl had a cockroach on her shoulder that I brushed off for her, and of course lots of kids that need to here the gospel.

Pray for John Adams Houses. That God will move amongst the people. That I will have divine ideas on how to visit all these buildings plus smaller houses outside the projects in just under three hours. That we will find a knew place to do Sunday school. Currently we plan to have it directly on a sidewalk, but we only have room for maybe 100 kids. We need to get permission to use one of two nearby basketball courts in order to have room for the 200-300 kids I know God can bring. That God will give me wisdom and safety as I visit.

Serving Him no matter what it costs, Bryan

P.S. In case you were wondering about the dog: Yes, he peed in the stairwell. No his boy did not clean it up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

South Bronx Here I Come

We found out yesterday what Sidewalk Sunday School divisions we will be in. I will be in division number nine, in the South Bronx. We only have three staff members (Tamara, Jenn, Al) and two interns (ME and Sabine) which makes us the least populated division. But Leo (the director of Sidewalk Sunday school) said I count for three people. So being that our group is small I will have my own site. So pray for my as I take this bold adventure. The south Bronx is a lot different than Chandler, AZ. Also I may be taking another adventure in the next couple of weeks, driving in New York City. Honestly I am probably more nervous about driving than I am visiting projects by myself. But I am looking forward to both opportunities to expand my experiences. Given God All I Got Bryan

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Lambs In Leadership

This weekend the Metro staff and interns went through the semi annual Staff retreat.

This semester's theme was "Lambs in Leadership". The theme is derived from Luke 10 when Jesus sends ot the seventy and tells them they will be as "lambs among wolves".

The general idea is that although we are called to be leaders we are still lambs. It is important to balance the two.

One thing God showed me through this retreat was that it's not about me. I don't need notoriety or fame because I'm not doing it for me. Every time I get on that stage or give a kid a hug it is only by the grace of God and it is Him that the kids are glad to see. Nothing I have is good enough, but through God's strength ordinary people can do extraodinary things. Even Paul when he was at the end of his ministry said he had not obtained the prize. If the man who evangelized two continents in a time when the fastest transportation was a donkey and wrote most of the New Testament, didn't feel that he had accomplished everything God had for him: Then I have just barley scratched the service.

One thing Pastor Bill Wilson said this weekend (paraphrase) was if you are satisfied with what you are doing you might as well pack up and go back to wherever you came from because you have become ineffective as a minister. We must always be pressing on toward the prize and we must understand that the prize will not be revealed in our life. In other words, it's like a timed race when you don't know how well the other racers have done or will do when it's your turn. So you have to give it all you got until the end. If we can do that then we are doing what God wants.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Yes, it's snowing here in Brooklyn. Unfortunately, there aren't any hills to sled on. In fact, the snow that doesn't melt immediately because of the steam coming from the under ground, gets very dirty very fast. Central Park has a few patches of white snow, but only in the areas they don't allow people to walk. Any way got to love New York. Yesterday we went on a scavenger hunt through the city. We had clues like find the concrete garden (Madison Square Garden) and take a picture with the tallest pedestrian. Note: Madison Square Garden is where the New York Nicks play. Our team however was less competitive then I would have liked and we stopped and had lunch after the second clue. Oh well, it's just a game, but those of you who know me know I hate to lose. Maybe it was God's way of teaching me patience and humility. We came in fourth out of five. Actually, because of our extended pit stop, we didn't make it to the last clue. But another team quit all together after not being able to figure out the fourth clue. It was fun anyway. Can't wait till we get to do some ministering, but that's still two weeks away. Serving Him with all I have, BSS

Sunday, March 6, 2005

New York New York

Spent a few hours in Manhattan yesterday. The goal was to walk through the city and then take a stroll through Central Park. However, one of the young ladies I was with was quite a fashonista and wanted to stop at every high end store she saw, Coach, Armani, Sofirah, Bannana Republic. But I did get to go into my favorite Fifth Ave store, The World of Disney. Anyway we did make it to Central Park eventually, Took a quick stroll and went to the train. One interesting thing about New York is that not very many places have public bathrooms. So if you got to go you need to find either a Starbucks or a McDonald's. This usually isn't to much of a problem though because there are approximately 4 McD's and 10 Starbucks in every square mile in Manhattan. That means over 200 Starbucks on an island that is 13 miles long and no more than 2 miles wide at its widest. Any way we had a good time, but I can't wait until the real training begins on Tuesday.

Friday, March 4, 2005

Hanging Out

Not doining too much today. Most of the interns are still arriving so we're pretty much on our own, but we can't leave the building unless we are in groups of at least three or more. Went shopping this morning. One of the girls is from San Diego and didn't have any warm clothes. So she needed to find some. It has been in the twenties and thirties. It is supposed to snow this weekend BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. It's a little much for this desert dawg. Found some boots for 15 dollars, and an alarm clock. They should help me through this adventure.

Thursday, March 3, 2005

Here In The Big Apple

Ok I'm in New York now. Flew in early this morning. I'm only the second intern to arrive here so I got first dibs on bed, comforter, pillow, storage areas, etc. I flew in a day early on purpose, I'm no fool. The gentlemen are on the third floor, so I will be getting plenty of exercise during the next four months. I will be sharing my room with thirteen other guys from all over the world. There are also 28 ladies with us in the building, although they stay on a different floor of course. There are four continents represented in the interns this semester, including the countries of germany, Switzerland, U.K., France, New Zealand, China, Taiwan, Canada, and the USA. I will be meeting these people in the next couple of days. A few come in tonight but must come in tomorrow and a few more on Saturday. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and can't wait to see what God has in store.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Ready for a New Adventure

(by Bryan)

For those of you that don't know, I'm am about to embark on a new and exciting adventure. I am moving to New York City for the next four months. I will be participating in Metro Ministries International's Internship program. This is a six day a week whatever it takes program in one of the largest cities in the world. Metro Ministries was founded by Pastor Bill Wilson in 1980. For twenty-five years Metro has been delivering the gospel to inner city kids through bus ministry and sidewalk Sunday School. For more info on this ministry visit I will update this journal as often as possible, which will probably be once a week on mondays, which is our day off. But I will update more often if I have more time. Good bye for now.
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