Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Easter Happenings

So I survived the first week of Sidewalk Sunday School. On Friday we had 100 kids at my site. Which is really good considering it was the first week of the semester, and we come on a different day and time than last semester. It was also cold, and there was no school. So 100 wasn't bad at all considering. We also had several parents who came, and you never know who was listening from their apartments.

On Saturday we showed segments of The Passion in Indoor Sunday School. The kids were visibly touched by it. We even asked kids to come up for prayer, which doesn't usually happen when you have 1000 kids in a small area. I was in Big Class Two, also known as the overflow class. This class is used when they run out of room downstairs. So first session we had about 200 kids, second session we had about 60 kids and third session we didn't have a class, because it wasn't needed. Anyway, Saturday went really well.

On Sunday I was able to give Easter gifts to Ali and Niasia. These are the kids my mom and I sponsor through Metro's Won by One child sponsorship program. It went very well. I also helped with the Easter egg hunt at the Brooklyn Church. The had hundreds of eggs spread across the gym floor. They also had a live rabbit and live chicks for the kids to pet. It was a lot of fun. Many of the kids had never seen live farm animals before.

On Monday I was given a chance to go to the circus. A friend of one of the staff member's bought us all tickets. It was really pretty cool. Madison Square Garden is considered one of the premier spots to see The Ringley Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. About twenty of us went, it was fun.

Going Forward with Christ

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