Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back At Ya

Here's a quick update on our life:

we're doing good

really :)

How's that for an update?

Now how about some audience participation here?

Ask me a question in the comment section.  Anything you would like me to answer or write about... or any suggestions and ideas... or feedback.  I am trying to figure out what this blog means to you... and me... and Jesus.


Deanna said...

Your question...what does this blog mean to me? It means I get to see little snippets of my dear friends life!

Rayleigh said...

Have you read any good books on marriage?

Rayleigh said...

Have you read any good books on marriage?

Sharon Cohen said...

I understand the problem of wondering what an audience is looking for. I found a theme for mine so that gives me plenty to write about. I write about Ephesians 5:33b and how to apply it to the role of a wife in the 21st century.

I see that you are anxious to glorify God in your writing - yay! That must be why I subscribed to your feed! I want to surround myself with friends who are anxiously engaged in a good work.

The most important thing that Christians - new and old - want to know is HOW? How do the scriptures relate to our life? How do we obey? How do we evangelize? How do we set a good example? There are as many "how to" questions as there are Christians on the planet!

If you can't narrow down a theme or a scripture for which to write the "how to's", I have a box of questions from an Un-Game (Christian edition). Let me know if you need some of them for conversation (writing) prompts to get you started.

You are in my prayers for finding what God wants you to do with this blog. Thanks for asking!

Susi said...

It means... to learn more about and from my Leader and friend! - Passing on bible knowledge and growth to your neighbors

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