Monday, June 28, 2010

He Has Not Turned Away My Prayer

This is Week #3 of Courtney's Marriage Challenge (for the explanation of the challenge - read here) and this week's challenge is PRAY for your husband daily.

The title of my post "He Has Not Turned Away My Prayer" comes from Psalm 66:20. Isn't it wonderful to know that He will not turn a deaf ear when we cry out to Him! And before I receive criticism from those who seemingly received no answer to their prayers for healing, for restoration, for salvation of loved ones - I also had times when my heart was shattered by seemingly unanswered prayer (even recently) - but today I still say, I trust His wisdom more than mine. He knows what He's doing in my life.

I asked my wonderful husband last night how I can pray for him and he asked for 2 things only:

1) Wisdom to make the right choices for our family

2) Promotion

So these are the things I will commit myself to pray for daily.

Courtney has a very extensive list on her blog of things you can pray for when you're praying for your husband (taken from "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian) as well as a suggestion of using your wedding band as a reminder to say a quick prayer for your husband.

As you read this post - would you please say a one sentence prayer for us as well as we seek to please our Lord with our lives and ministry.


Courtney (Women Living Well) said...

What a wise post - I loved that you asked your readers for are the first link up to do that! I prayed for you sista!!! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Courtney!

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