The Conference was entitled "Time to Save Children". Throughout several days the team has tried to motivate and encourage people to step out of the boat and do something for the glory of God in their neighborhoods.
She came up to us after the typical conference crowd dissolved. The long line of people wanting to talk and be prayed for was talked to and prayed for and we were on our way to the room.
She was old... maybe about 70... She said that she hasn't done a lot of great things for God in her Christian life, that she was already not young when she got saved... and then she proceeded to tell her story...
One day she woke up from her nap feeling like she must go to that one particular orphanage in her town. She had no idea how to get there. She got up, got dressed, walked outside and started asking people which bus to take and where to go. By the time she got there, the offices were closed and no one could let her in. She returned the following morning at 10.00am.
For months she would come and spend every day at the orphanage loving on the children. All children had special needs: Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and many others. She always asked for the worst cases and just loved on them all day. She would go to church on Sundays and then be back at the orphanage on Mondays. She talked to people in her church and amongst her friends and she got some clothes donated. When spring came with the help of her granddaughter she planted flower beds all around the orphanage.
There was one girl in particular she had grown to love dearly. The was considered the worst case in the orphanage. The court wouldn't let this woman adopt the girl as she was way too old. She so desperately wanted to help but she just didn't know what else she could do.
She started calling. And as a result she got a TV crew come in and do a special report on the orphanage. As the result - 15 children with special needs from that orphanage were adopted by loving families - including the girl with most challenges who now lives in the United States.
This woman came to us thinking that unless she has a team and great financial support, young age and praise of men - then she is probably not doing much for the Lord. But my eyes tear up at the thought of how much difference this one old woman made for the kids in that particular orphanage.
And she still keeps visiting them.
That's the power of one life.
My heart overflows with gratitude for:
* the people who make a difference in the lives of others
* those who seek no recognition
* the resurrection of our Lord without which we'd have no hope
* the many wonderful people I met in Ukraine
* the opportunity to serve them
* the chance to hear their stories
* the lessons I learned on team work
* my best childhood friend coming out to see me in Ukraine
* for getting flowers on my birthday
* that hope does not disappoint us