Monday, December 13, 2010

One Thousand Gifts - #60-71

I am sorry we have not kept you up to date on our ministry adventures.  Thanksgiving and Christmas season  are so busy here.  Soon and very soon many of you will receive a newsletter from us in your inbox (and if you're not getting one and would like one - just leave me a comment with your email address).

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the last week of Fall Semester 2010.  Only one more week of Sidewalk Sunday School left.  I am grateful for the team I've worked with this semester.  These wonderful people have great hearts.

Kat (Germany), Susi (Germany), Janelle (Canada), Ken (USA), Helen (Belarus), Bryan (USA)
Patricia (Mexico), Hayley (UK)

My list of gratitude continues...
- free customized Christmas stations at
- resolved disagreements
- smell of evergreen filling my living room
- cancellations that give me a few extra hours to catch up on things
- anticipation of family coming to visit for the holidays
- that my husband is still my knight in shining armor
- ingenious idea to use earl grey in cookies
- Christmas markets where such cookies are sold
- people who inspire me to be better
- that I am not very technical and gadget-y
- and that I am totally cool with it

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Earl Grey cookies? Tell me more...

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