Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Free Rice

Check out this website. For every vocabulary word you guess the correct definition of, the site will donate 10 grains of rice to help fight hunger. If you get the definitions wrong, the words get easier. You can keep playing as long as you want.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Reading List

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends;
they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors,
and the most patient of teachers.
~Charles W. Eliot

I wanted to share some of my life with you this morning. Since I absolutely love reading, I figured there's no better way to do so but to share with you my reading list for the next few months.

What Jesus Demands from the World (by John Piper)

Startling Beauty (by Heather Gemmen)

Crazy Love (by Francis Chan)

Ordinary Resurrections (by Jonathan Kozol)

Monday, April 12, 2010

In the busyness of it all...

I have neglected keeping you updated - sorry. It's been a busy semester and I will try to do better from now on.

Here's what we've been up to:

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Week 3 of Sidewalk Sunday School spring semester 2010. We've had great first two weeks and I am blessed to have a great team.

Top row: Jason from USA, Janelle from Canada, Susi from Germany, Helen from Belarus

Bottom row: Bryan from USA, Patty from Mexico, Nadine from Germany

Jason and Nadine are our wonderful interns for these four months and so far they've done incredibly well. Feel free to lift them and the rest of my team up in your prayers as we minister to the kids in NYC.

The semester started off with a week of lessons on Easter. It rained for the first couple of days but it provided an amazing opportunity to teach children and their parents in a smaller group setting and really explain to them that Jesus died to open the way to God and He is alive today by the power of God who raised Him from the dead. We kept sharing that news with everyone even a little boy at McDonald's whose mom asked me to explain to them the meaning of Easter.

And even though my birthday is not until tomorrow - I had an incredible week celebrating my birthday with Sunday School kids. The kids made lots of cards and the team baked lots of cupcakes - and we all had fun. And today I had a great time just being with my friends - having our nails done and barbecuing outside. I am so grateful for my friends.

I have been very busy with ministry-related events... and even though I miss having lots of time in the mornings to have a longer devotional, enjoy my breakfast slowly and catching up on blogging and all my friends' blogs - the exhilaration that comes from seeing the smiles on the kids faces during the fun parts of our programs or the peace that comes upon them during our lessons is well worth it. Please know that even though we've been busy and failed to keep in touch - we are truly grateful for friends like you and we're still serving Him faithfully.

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