Friday, July 4, 2008

We like to PARTY

Summer is here! Yay!

For these 2 weeks in July we have Teen Mania join us and together we're doing big summer parties (outreaches) in different areas of NYC. For the past 2 days we've gone to Far Rockaway (my Sidewalk Sunday School site).

For the first day (Wednesday) we set up the tents with Face Painting & Nail Painting. Also we had a place where they could get some fruit punch and a cookie. We played water games all day and simply had tons of fun with the kids. And then yesterday (Thursday) we had a Sidewalk Sunday School program for kids & adults. It was wonderful.

(it was fun doing opening with Bryan)

(that's me getting dunked because girls won the game)

Since we had so many people AND didn't have to rush on to the next site it was possible to allow for ministry time at the end. When Craig (our team leader for the event) first had teenagers lined up and announced that people could come and get prayed for, nobody stood up. We knew God was doing something in the hearts of the kids and parents but they wouldn't come up. The seconds felt like hours. Nobody stood... Then finally a little girl (about 6 years old) got off the tarp and came up front. On the boys' side immediately an older boy (11 years old) got up and followed her to the stage. And then "the damb" broke... people flooded to the front to be prayed for.
On Tuesday our team will do the same outreach in the Bronx. Keep praying for us...

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