Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Wow... it's already 2009 in Belarus...
... called family, waited to ring in the New Year with them (it's only 3.00pm here in Arizona)

So I guess it's not too early to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my friends and family and fellow bloggers!! Wishing you all the best in 2009

Graphics & Myspace layouts

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa vs. Jesus

Santa lives at the North Pole...
Jesus is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh...
Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year...
Jesus is an ever present help.
Santa fills up your stockings with goodies...
Jesus supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited...
Jesus stands at your door and knocks,
And then enters your heart when invited.
You have to wait in line to see Santa...
Jesus is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is,
"Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?"...
Jesus knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too.
He knows our history and future
And He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly...
Jesus has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is Ho, Ho, Ho...
Jesus offers health, help, and hope.
Santa says, "Better not cry"...
Jesus says, "Cast all your cares on Me, for I care for you".
Santa's little helpers make toys...
Jesus makes new life, mends broken hearts,
repairs broken homes, and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle, but...
Jesus gives your joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts your gifts under a tree...
Jesus became our gift and died on a tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember who Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back into CHRISTmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Snow Fight :)

So... it snowed today... for the first time this winter...

The snowflakes were so big and beautiful that all staff members paused and enjoyed the first snow... but there's no telling what happens when Metro people get excited :) (watch below)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The King Of Fruits Experience

Bryan & I found a little raw vegan restaurant in Manhattan.

There we were introduced to DURIAN - known in Southeast Asia as the "King of Fruit"

We had some durian ice-cream which had a very interesting flavor (I should say flavors)... Did some research on the internet and there're many descriptions that I will leave out but if you're interested just visit Wikipedia

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Olympic Sport (well almost)

So here's what happened -

my wonderful interns Ken (Germany) and Sara (Switzerland) have developed a new kind of sport in the course of their training at Metro Ministries.

Ladies & gentlemen!

May I introduce to you - SYNCHRONIZED TARP FOLDING!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Prayer Requests

1) Our search for an apartment continues... This morning we have sent in more paperwork. The manager said we should hear from them by the end of the week. Hopefully we'd be able to sign a lease starting November 1st.

2) Still waiting for my green card. The sooner I get my work authorization permit the sooner I'd be able to drive again. It's hard to be part of a bus ministry and not be able to drive.

3) We've had a lot of persecution rising up in my Sidewalk Sunday School area. For weeks, we've had ladies come and disturb peace telling kids not to listen to us, that we hate them and that we're not Christians at all. They're so loud that it makes it almost impossible to continue teaching the lesson. We've tried to reason with them but they walked away promising to do anything so we can't come back.

4) Next Friday is Halloween. Please pray for peace on sites and protection for Sidewalk Sunday School staff & interns as well as those who're going on visitation that Friday.

Robots & People

What an amazing lesson we got to teach this week: YOU NEED TO DECIDE TO LIVE FOR GOD. We talked to the kids about the importance of standing up for God and making your choice whether to live for Him or without Him.

The theme for the week was Robots. It was very challenging for me as I had to practice my robot voices and do the robot dance... Here's a picture of my vain attempt of doing the robot dance... oi oi

Monday, October 20, 2008

I scream... You scream... We all scream...

------- FOR ICE-CREAM!!! -------

This week our team has thrown an ice-cream party for our Sidewalk Sunday School kids.

One of our games was "Create Your Own Sunday" - kids really got a kick out of that :) - and then they got to eat their own creations.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pastor Bill's Surprise Birthday Party

Our senior pastor and founder of Metro Ministries Pastor Bill Wilson has turned 60 on October 4th. As staff we wanted to express our gratitude for the ministry opportunities he's offered to us. So this Sunday, October 12th, we threw him a surprise birthday party.

(it was a black and white event)

(Pastor Bill was really surprised. In his own words, "I can't believe all of y'all could keep your mouths shut for this long")

(birthday cake: "Which bus is the best bus?")

(as any Metro event the party would not be complete without a play by Gloria)

(looking through the Memory Book we've created for Pastor Bill)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My New Helpers

I had been frustrated for a long time by the absence of workers (kids who are willing to help and get involved in Sunday School) on my site. I have often wondered if I was doing anything wrong. After many attempts of investing into kids who in one way or the other decided not to get involved, I decided... to ask God to show me who are the kids that HE wants me to invest in...

Meet Taheem & Starr - my amazing and wonderful helpers. I've met them one day on visitation in the front of their building. They asked if they could come with me... we asked their parents and they've been helping every week ever since.

Monday, October 6, 2008


That's right... This past two Sundays have offered me a problem to solve... My church attendance has grown significantly and now all the people do not fit into a church van any more... I NEED A BUS
The ministry I'm part of does not have extra resources at this moment to purchase a bus...
A school bus is only $3,000. If I can raise this money I could pick up my people for church on Sundays without having to turn anybody away.
If you'd like to give please contact me and I will give you all the necessary info to make a donation.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New Semester

The new Fall 2008 Semester is in full swing. This weekend is marking the end of the first week of Sidewalk Sunday School.

Our team had to say good-bye to Christfried who is now the leader of his own Sidewalk Sunday School team in the Bronx. I am very grateful for the 2 years that I got to work with him.

So our new team was Tania & me ... Praise the Lord for the interns who come from all over the world for 4 months to learn to do inner-city ministry and the principles of bus ministry and Sidewalk Sunday School. Below is the picture of our new Fall 2008 ministry team (minus me since I'm taking the picture):

(left to right): Tania from France (staff), Damon from USA, Ken from Germany, Janelle from Canada (new staff), Judith from Germany, Sara from Switzerland

We had our challenges going into this semester. There've been a lot of shoot-outs in Far Rockaway and almost every area where we do Sidewalk Sunday School is covered by police neighborhood watch stations.Though necessary to prevent further crime they're also preventing children fromn coming outside. However we had a great week with 611 people in attendance.

Tania & Ken after playing a game on site.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sister Queens Outing (Divisions 8+11 take on the City)

So... Bronwyn (Divisional Leader of Division 8, the only other Sidewalk Sunday School in Queens) & I have met together and decided that our wonderful interns and new staff needed some sort of initiation ceremony into the Sidewalk family, as well as simply time to bond as a team and get to know each other...
(the great minds)

... The result?? - A progressive-backwards-one-thing-only-dinner (how about that?)

(Divisions 8 + 11 ready to take on the city)

We started off with a dessert at Coldstone Creamery that serves ONLY ice-cream... ... and then moved on to the main course at S'Mac - a little place that serves ONLY mac-n-cheese
Our next stop that was meant to be a hummus ONLY place for an appetizer got cancelled because of heavy rain :(

Here is however a fun clip from that night for your entertainment

Saturday, September 13, 2008

No Comments

It's Not Over Until It's Over... But When It Is Indeed Over What Do You Do?

(Deanna, this one is for you and your mamochka)

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am sad to announce the passing of the last bite of the pumpkin roll into abyss of our stomachs.

This is the last piece...

... and here it is gone

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sweeneys Conquering Rt66

Now, let me start off with making it very clear:
If you've never driven down the historic Route 66 - YOU SHOULD
It was so much fun - we've seen the most random unattended places...

...the drive is beautiful too...

Sweeneys in Vegas

We have spent 3 days in Vegas... planned for only 2... but then... something unexpected happened... WE LOST THE RENTAL CAR KEYS... oi oi oi... something good did come out of it though (lots of free beverages from Toyota dealership and we got to spend another night in Vegas).

So here're a few pictures from Vegas

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Some wedding pics

Here're a few of our NY wedding photos...

shout out #1 goes to our amazing photographer Rayleigh (check out her blog on or her web-site - she did an incredible job :)

shout out #2 goes to Tudor & Susie who also took tons of great photos for us

Arizona Reception 08/02/08

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